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A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D  ©  2 0 1 4  C A N A D A  E X C L U S I V E

D e s i g n  R A Y P H O T O  s t u d i o,  C r e a t e d  b y  WEB - STAR

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CANADA Exclusive
Mariánska 12
811 08 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
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s  p e c i a l

Achilleas Sdoukos


His artistic life focuses on creative research of the magical material of glass. A material both fragile and solid, which he converts into a liquid state and enriches with life-giving light. He is fascinated by the inner life of glass and the ways it bends and passes the light through. Inspired by nature, he likes to connect glass with stone, wood and other materials. Ancient mythology acts as an endless source for his inspiration, always reminding of his own origin.

He held art exhibitions in Moscow, Paris, Athens, Rome, Turkey, Croatia and many other places. Apart from his glass gallery and workshop in Bratislava, his works are on permanent display inside the Česká břidlice – Concept Showroom in Prague.

He is author of many awards, such as the Crystal Wing.

He also focuses on tailored interior designs, luxurious and original in blending glass with precious metals.

My life is glass.

I work with it every day and I can say that the more intimately I know it the more this material becomes fascinating and mysterious. Glass can be a river. A soul. A stream, a waterfall. An emerald artefact, resembling an unknown planet, or a huge enlarged ring through which the beams are sucked. Glass has its own life; functioning in time and space is always different and charming.

My life is glass.

I know how it melts in a kiln, hisses, defiant until its external and internal shapes issue forth. Glass is not solely surface, smoothness, crystallinity, or clarity. Glass for me is something like a fabulous material, which is often able to tell in just a hint whole stories or their substance. Glass has the unexpected ability to conjure emotions and is the most natural kind of “relative” of light. Together they can create unexpected moments and each moment is like giving birth to something new that has the ability to capture our imagination.

Because of glass, which has appealed and appeals to me to such a degree, I try to combine two things in my designs: High performance and I also insert the added value of art which reflects my signature, it reflects my thinking and my particular sense of aesthetics.

The question with glass is always: where? How to place it, played on in space, approached, but consisting of a kind of much-needed and discreet backdrop around which we walk, so that it always provides beauty and excitement? The answer is simple. Where you need airiness and an unexpectedly beautiful moment, whether in space or on the wall.

In my work I am often inspired by the myths and legends of the ancient Greeks. These stories, like the inexhaustible biblical ones, also represent an extra dimension for the design: glass, even if it is transparent, cannot be “empty”. As stated above, glass must have “soul”, which creates something special from it

Look for a moment in the glass.

You will discover it all: from the mirror to the bottom of a fast-flowing river. You will discover not just the eyes of an unknown beauty, but her tears and flowing hair as well. You will see a piece of some myth in it which recalls something to you.

Those are the wonderful moments of design that never grow old. Go through antique shops, churches, look at the different cases and you will discover that glass never gets old. Its design has an amazing ability to cross time and to always provide a new experience.

Kamil Peteraj